28 August 2008

Peace of Mind.

Your heart is the first conflict zone; it is where your feelings and desires clash with each other. It is the melting pot of all your fears, your hopes, your trusts and distrusts, love and jealousy.
The character of every man should reflect love, after which there must be peace for the individual to live life to the fullest. Unless peace rules in your life, love cannot reign because it is the condition of the mind that determines the perception of one’s life. Your state of mind will control the state of your affairs and peace must begin from the heart in order that it may be expressed outwardly because the heart is the first battlefield for peace.
A person without a clean mind will always read between the lines. They see things that are not, they are always causing trouble because they lack peace of mind, happiness is out of their reach and they are always troublesome. A peaceful mind promotes tolerance, respect, trust and peaceful co-existence. Anytime you do not have peace of mind about a decision you are about to make, don’t be in a hurry to act or react. You need to have peace in your life, home and family before you can preach peace to others.
The only true source of peace is our Lord Jesus, II Thess 3: 16, “Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.”
The power of peace can only be experienced through the Lord Jesus because the Peace that Jesus gives is not the absence of trouble, but is rather the confidence that He is there with you always.

1 Reaction(s).:

IJ Hanna Lucky said...

A person without a clean mind will always read between the lines. . . this is what I told a junior cousin of mine yesterday. I always say,you must always have an open mind. Love your post

Our Lord Jesus is our Peace